A simple data structure library
Included data structures 🔨
- Linked List ✔
- Binary Search Tree ✔
- Queue ✔
- Stack ✔
- Trie ✔
- HashMap ✔
- HashSet ✔
- Array Methods ✔
- Priority Queue ✔
- Binary Heap ✔
- Graph ✔
- Set ✔
- Red-Black Tree ✔
- MultiMap ✔
Getting Started 🚀
npm install js_data-collections
Offical docs 📜
Important For browsers 🎺
IE > 8 compatible
Production 👻
Development 💻
Minified version ✨
Contributing 👍
Simply download the project, write some code, run the build, write some tests, make sure the tests pass and send a pull request
Versioning 🎭
We use SemVer for versioning.
Authors 🎓
- Eddie Cornelious - Initial work - EddieCornelious
License 👀
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Purpose ❓
The initial purpose of this library was to simply apply the concepts I have learned as a computer science student.